Monday, March 12, 2007

Counting blessings

Some of us, if not all of us, sometimes find ourselves complaining about the why’s and how come’s in our lives. I won’t give examples…don’t see why I should waste time on those. Rather, I’ll name many of the blessings I was reminded of today.

Like having a mom who was always there for us and woke up at 5am for years to go to work so that she could send us to a good school and have food on the table each day. For all my friends who have always been there, even with hundreds, even thousands of miles separating us physically. For all the angels that have crossed my path and have opened up doors or closed some old wounds. For having a second chance with my dad, from a better place in my life, one where I can understand and see how great of a human being he is. For waking up each day with a smile on my face, (although I’m not a morning person, ahem). For listening to a good song on my way to work, and getting out of my car happy and ready to start the day. For the weekend at the beach, the day at the park, the unexpected compliment, the sun shinning and the birds singing…

I guess I can continue counting my blessings, but don’t think I’ll be able to stop any time soon. I’m fortunate to have the life I’ve had, and still look forward to what’s ahead. I hope life keeps me grounded so I never forget my blessings, and I’m able to pay it forward in multiples of 100.

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