Thursday, April 26, 2007

Condiment your life

Haven’t you felt, at least once in your life, that there’s something missing? You feel like you are stuck in a TV commercial and you watch yourself do the same thing, over and over again. Just the same old, same old. Well, lately, give or take, I’ve been watching my life like a TV commercial. So, I thought I needed to shake things up, put some condiment in my life (if my boss would read this blog he’d be laughing right at this moment, since I’m always screwing up catch-phrases). Yeah, I said condiment and not spice. Heck, if I’m going to shake things up, I better flavor my life with condiments, not spices. Growing up I always heard, ‘put some condiment on it for flavor’, not put some spice on it, so I’m sticking to condiments.

The question I had been asking is what condiment I should put on it. How can I shake things up? Should I try the bake and shake with some Honey BBQ flavor? (yeah, yeah, it’s shake and bake and not vice versa. I know, I’m just shaking things up) Well, joke aside, today I came across with this one song that goes with the shaking things up attitude. Well, somehow, but it does go along the awesome day I had yesterday.

The overall message of the song is you only live once. So, it tells you to give in to love and passion… forget about what other people say or what might be… don’t stress out and get depressed, just “turn the TV off” (good, because I won’t have to see my commercial again), and “turn the radio on and let the rhythm feel you in”. And, yesterday, for the first time after I can’t remember how long, that’s what I did. I let me be me. I laughed out loud you could have heard me 100 feet away, I called BULL SHITTT!!!!, I shook my booty when I hit home, although I was out, in front of a bunch of strangers and so much more. And no, I wasn’t drunk. I was just playing a game of good old fashion kick ball, with a twist… did someone say beer?

I had not had so much fun in a long time. With all these "strangers" I was me. That is, someone who’s loud, thinks is funny, dances with or without music, claps when laughs… and that was just fine!

So, I’m thinking I found my condiment… it’s called BE YOU. Sometimes we lose ourselves, for whatever reason, and things become dull. Then, somehow, we find ourselves, our condiment, and life becomes flavored. I’m letting my inner self come out, bit by bit. If you can’t handle it, take some Tums, Milanta or whatever. I’m shaking things up, and so should you.

Still thinking about the song? Well, it's old, is in Spanish, the video is old and kinda weird , but follow this link, and ENJOY!

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