Friday, March 2, 2007

Walls, cliffs, road signs and detours

Been young and wanting to take big chunks out of that piece of pie called life every time I could, made me think that, if I didn’t do it as fast as I could, someone else would be getting my piece of the pie, that I would get ‘there’ just a minute too late. And then… life happens. You hit that big wall, you run off that cliff that you just didn’t see coming and you question yourself... is it just too late?

It is never too late. Just keep moving forward. Looking back only makes you wonder “why did I do this in the first place”, when you should be thinking, “I’ll just remember to keep my eyes on the road and just read those damn signs next time”. Stepping out of your comfort zone is not about looking back regretting that big step, that big leap of faith you took when you wanted to make a change in your life. It’s about looking forward, learning from your mistakes and understanding that those walls and cliffs on the roads are just helping you create your road map towards your new destination. If you hit a wall on your way to a new you, you’ll know that second time around you should just make a left, or a right, or just take a detour, as long as you don’t seat still waiting for the wall to, either disappear from the face of the earth, or just crumble into pieces by snapping your fingers. And that cliff you just didn’t see coming either, just wear rock climbing gear next time so you’ll be able to get back up.
I hit a few walls and fell off of a few cliffs on my way to take that big chunk of the pie. With time, those walls became road signs and those cliffs, just detours. Just remember that every step will take you closer to whatever it is you’re looking for, wherever it is you want to go. It wouldn’t hurt to update your map on a regular basis either. Remember life changes in the blink of an eye...


Anonymous said...

This is really awesome Zilaida! U r a great writer. You should really pursue this!!

Anonymous said...

I’m so proud of you and so happy because I know how important this adventure is for you. I’m so glad knowing that you’re finally out of your “comfort zone”. Life will show you so many things and so many reasons for you to be grateful, you will have so many changes, don’t even thing this is it because this is just the beginning of your new life. Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes (Mahatma Gandhi). Congrats for this big step, Way to go!!! Love you and miss you so much, I can’t wait to see you again. Love you!!!!

Live, Laugh, Love!!!